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Research eases worries that prolonged infections are contributing to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants.

During the early stages of the pandemic, healthcare professionals observed that certain individuals with compromised immune systems were experiencing persistent SARS-CoV-2 infections, sometimes lasting for weeks or even months. This raised concerns about the potential for a viral variant to emerge that could take advantage of an extended battle with the immune system. A recent prospective study published in the Lancet Microbe, led by Dr. Adam Lauring from the Division of Infectious Disease at Michigan Medicine, explores which patient populations are at a heightened risk of prolonged infections. This study, part of the CDC-sponsored IVY Network based at Vanderbilt University, closely monitored 150 immunocompromised COVID-19 patients across five U.S. health systems in 2022. The diverse group of participants included individuals with various immunocompromising conditions, such as those with B-cell cancers or undergoing anti-B cell therapy, solid organ or stem cell transplant recipients, i

Predicting progression of Alzheimer’s: New Tool

Approximately 55 million people worldwide are grappling with dementia, as reported by the World Health Organization, with Alzheimer's disease being the most prevalent form—a degenerative condition without a cure that leads to a decline in brain function. Beyond the physical toll, Alzheimer's inflicts psychological, social, and economic consequences on both those living with the disease and their caregivers. Given the progressive nature of its symptoms, proactive planning for increased support becomes crucial as the disease advances. Addressing this need, researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington have developed an innovative learning-based framework. This framework assists Alzheimer's patients in accurately identifying their position on the disease-development spectrum, facilitating better anticipation of the timing of later stages and aiding in planning for future care. DAJIANG ZHU, AN ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AT UTA  Zhu, an associa

Butterfly effect and autism spectrum disorder

A study conducted by researchers at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) has shed light on the genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They found that a particular type of genetic mutation contributes to ASD differently than typical mutations. By analyzing mutations in the genomes of individuals and their families, the researchers discovered that the three-dimensional structure of the genome can cause mutations to affect neighboring genes associated with ASD, even without mutations in ASD-related genes. The study was published in the scientific journal Cell Genomics on January 26. ASD is a group of conditions characterized by repetitive behaviors and social interaction difficulties. Although the condition runs in families, its heritability is complex and only partially understood. According to studies, the high heritability cannot be explained by merely looking at the part of the genome responsible for protein coding. Instead, the answer could lie in the non-coding regions of t

Insights into homologous recombination (DNA Repair) promise new insights into cancer

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have been studying DNA repair by homologous recombination, where the RecA protein repairs breaks in double-stranded DNA by incorporating a dangling single-strand end into intact double strands, and repairing the break based on the undamaged sequence. They discovered that RecA finds where to put the single strand into the double helix without unwinding it by even a single turn. Their findings promise new directions in cancer research. Homologous recombination (HR) is a ubiquitous biochemical process shared across all living things, including animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. As we go about our daily lives, our DNA is subjected to all kinds of environmental and internal stress, some of which can lead to breakage of both strands in the double helix. This can be disastrous, and lead to imminent cell death. Luckily, processes like HR are continuously repairing this damage. Two competing models exist for homologous recombination. The results

Cancer treatment through generative AI

Insilico Medicine(“Insilico”), a clinical stage generative artificial intelligence (AI)-driven drug discovery company, recently published an early research that it has identified MYT1 as a promising new therapeutic target for breast and gynecological cancer, and discovered a series of novel, potent, and highly selective inhibitors specifically targeting MYT1. These findings were supported by Insilico’s AI-driven generative biology and chemistry engine and published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry in Dec 2023. Across the world, breast and gynecological cancers pose serious threats to women’s health, fertility, and overall quality of life. In order to identify potential targets for new therapeutics, the research team leverage Insilico's proprietary AI-driven target identification platform, PandaOmics, to analyze data of five forms of gynecological cancers, including ovarian, endometrial, cervical, and breast cancer particularly triple-negative breast cancer. Remarkably, MYT1 co

Role of metabolism-regulating signaling molecule (FAM3c) in breast cancer progression

A ground-breaking study conducted by Professor Jeong Park and his research team in the Department of Biological Sciences at UNIST has identified FAM3C, a metabolism-regulating signaling molecule produced by cancer-associated adipocytes (CAAs), that is involved in the development of breast cancer. As the main regulator of progress. Tumor microenvironment (TME). The findings, published in the prestigious academic journal Cancer Research, highlight the potential of targeted therapies in the treatment of breast cancer. Study shows that overexpression of FAM3C in cultured adipocytes significantly reduces cell death in both adipocytes and co-cultured breast cancer cells while suppressing markers of fibrosis. In contrast, FAM3C deficiency in CAAs leads to adipocyte-mesenchymal transition (AMT) and increased fibrosis within the TME. The research team also discovered that breast cancer cells stimulate FAM3C expression in adipocytes through TGF-beta signaling, which can be blocked by a TGF-beta-

Unraveling the Mysteries: Exploring New Genetic Variants Related to Dementia

Introduction: Dementia, a debilitating condition affecting millions worldwide, has long been a subject of intense research. Scientists and researchers have tirelessly worked towards understanding its underlying causes, and recent breakthroughs in genetics have brought forth new hope. This blog post delves into the latest discoveries surrounding genetic variants linked to dementia, shedding light on the potential implications for both diagnosis and treatment. The Human Genome Project and Beyond: Advancements in genetic research, particularly since the completion of the Human Genome Project, have paved the way for a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between genes and various health conditions, including dementia. The identification of specific genetic variants associated with an increased risk of developing dementia has become a pivotal focus. Key Genetic Variants: Recent studies have unveiled several genetic variants implicated in the onset and progression of dementia.